Failed to build the echo example

Hi there, I’m very new to go-libp2p and I’m having a problem building the echo example code with the go version 1.17.6 linux/amd64 on a local machine. I was trying out the code with the following commands go mod init main, go mod tidy, go mod download and go build, but it returned the errors below. I don’t know what I have done wrong and I couldn’t find any solutions online, so hope someone could give me a hint of how to fix the errors. Cheers.

/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ not enough arguments in call to tpt.NewConn
        have (net.Conn, bool)
        want (net.Conn, bool, network.PeerScope)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use &Transport{} (type *Transport) as type network.Multiplexer in assignment:
        *Transport does not implement network.Multiplexer (wrong type for NewConn method)
                have NewConn(net.Conn, bool) (network.MuxedConn, error)
                want NewConn(net.Conn, bool, network.PeerScope) (network.MuxedConn, error)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use &Transport{} (type *Transport) as type network.Multiplexer in assignment:
        *Transport does not implement network.Multiplexer (wrong type for NewConn method)
                have NewConn(net.Conn, bool) (network.MuxedConn, error)
                want NewConn(net.Conn, bool, network.PeerScope) (network.MuxedConn, error)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: transport.AcceptTimeout
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use tc (type *transportConn) as type transport.CapableConn in return argument:
        *transportConn does not implement transport.CapableConn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ not enough arguments in call to u.Muxer.NewConn
        have (net.Conn, bool)
        want (net.Conn, bool, network.PeerScope)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: transport.DialTimeout
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use c (type *Conn) as type network.Conn in argument to s.gater.InterceptUpgraded:
        *Conn does not implement network.Conn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use s (type *Swarm) as type network.Network in argument to f.Connected:
        *Swarm does not implement network.Network (missing ResourceManager method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use c (type *Conn) as type network.Conn in argument to f.Connected:
        *Conn does not implement network.Conn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use c (type *Conn) as type network.Conn in assignment:
        *Conn does not implement network.Conn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use c (type *Conn) as type network.Conn in append:
        *Conn does not implement network.Conn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use (*Swarm)(nil) (type *Swarm) as type network.Network in assignment:
        *Swarm does not implement network.Network (missing ResourceManager method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use (*Swarm)(nil) (type *Swarm) as type transport.TransportNetwork in assignment:
        *Swarm does not implement transport.TransportNetwork (missing ResourceManager method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use c.swarm (type *Swarm) as type network.Network in argument to f.Disconnected:
        *Swarm does not implement network.Network (missing ResourceManager method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use &Stream{} (type *Stream) as type network.Stream in assignment:
        *Stream does not implement network.Stream (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ too many errors
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use &conn{} (type *conn) as type transport.CapableConn in assignment:
        *conn does not implement transport.CapableConn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use conn (type *conn) as type transport.CapableConn in send:
        *conn does not implement transport.CapableConn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use conn (type *conn) as type transport.CapableConn in return argument:
        *conn does not implement transport.CapableConn (missing Scope method)
/home/root/go/pkg/mod/ cannot use conn (type *conn) as type transport.CapableConn in return argument:
        *conn does not implement transport.CapableConn (missing Scope method)

Okay. I’ve figured out the problem. It was the version issue of the go-libp2p-core in go.mod file.

Previously, the v0.14.0 was downloaded in the go.mod, but the current example code is using v0.13.0, which causes compile errors.

Solutions: Just simply edit the go.mod file, changing from v0.14.0 to v0.13.0, before running go mode tidy and go build. Then, it runs smoothly.