What is the correct spell for wss?

I’m trying to have the browser connect to a server (go) using wss. I have an ssl certificate installed in an AWS Network Load Balancer and doing TLS termination there and TCP forwarding over to the go side.

I added a /dns4/mydomain/tcp/443/ws/ipfs/16Uiu2HAm2zVPHYJJMJjA7urBnYya8MSxjSkbRWyVUKQMPgCVBgoA to my go server as an add’l external address. (wss said protocol not supported)

I used
/dns4/mydomain/tcp/443/wss/ipfs/16Uiu2HAm2zVPHYJJMJjA7urBnYya8MSxjSkbRWyVUKQMPgCVBgoA as the javascript connection url.

However, I’m just getting connection reset or EPIPE on the javascript side. Any pointers on how to handle this?

An update… it wasn’t working due to my AWS network loadbalancer not correctly balancing across AZs… I’m going to leave this post up though, because it appears that is the correct incantation and I had trouble finding it before :).