Open Source Decentralised Robots OS built on rust-libp2p

Hi everyone!

I would like to share with everyone what we’ve been working on for the last couple of months.

It’s about connecting robots and other devices via a P2P network built on top of and optimized for a mesh network.

We have SDKs for Rust, Python, and TypeScript with abstractions that should make it easy for folks new to this to write decentralised applications where multiple parties have to communicate and coordinate. If you have a couple of Raspberry Pis lying around, it’s the perfect environment to try it out!

Interestingly, it works without any internet connection or central (DHCP) server since we modified rust-libp2p to support IPv6 zones, enabling us to just use IPv6 ULA addresses. Additionally, we use the physical neighbours found through the mesh to populate our DHT, and thus we don’t need bootstrapping nodes.

If you want to get started, you can install it in one line:

bash <(curl -sSL

It’s tested on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Raspberry Pi 4 & 5. Other Debian derivatives and especially hardware platforms should work as well with no problems.

We would really appreciate your feedback and would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Happy hacking :slight_smile:

GitHub Repo

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What is the use case for this?