Hi everybody,
As you know, we are super excited for the first ever libp2p Day on October 30th! To get ready, we’ve begun planning the presentations and workshops.
For full transparency, we’d like to share our rough draft of presentation ideas here. What’s more, we hope that you will help shape libp2p Day by requesting presentations on topics you want to learn more about or volunteer to give a presentation yourself!
Much of libp2p’s success is thanks to community contributions and engagement, and the same can be said of libp2p Day. We’d love your suggestions on how to make this day as valuable and engaging as possible.
Here is the working list of talks we plan to give:
- Intro to libp2p: helping with real world application problems
- Browser connectivity state of the union and demo
- Overview of nim-libp2p (given by Tanguy of the Nim libp2p team!
- A month in PL EngRes libp2p Development and how you can be involved
- Testground + libp2p
- DoS protection (specific to go-libp2p and Lotus)
- DoS mitigation (specific to rust-libp2p)
- libp2p from the ground up
- libp2p and Wasm
We’re working to confirm these talks and create a schedule. Until then, please suggest topics you’d like to hear about.
You can also register to speak by filling out the Speaker Application here and selecting the “libp2p Builders” track.
For speakers, send us a short blurb about your topic, and, if possible, a link to the presentation. You may reply here or send an email to mail@libp2p.io
Keep in mind that your talk
- Should be around 10 minutes long, and not more than 15 minutes.
- Should be about peer to peer applications (even if not directly related to libp2p).
And of course, please register if you haven’t already done so!
libp2p Day is a part of IPFS Camp and you can get your tickets here: https://2022.ipfs.camp/.
Message us if you’re interested in only attending libp2p day and we can share with you a code for reduced cost.