Implement custom handshake

Hey @ferranbt,

Welcome to the libp2p community!

There are several solutions I can think of, depending on the security tradeoff you want:

  1. If you don’t mind libp2p protocols running before the connection is authenticated (e.g. libp2p identify, pubsub, DHT, etc.), you can implement a custom protocol that subscribes to PeerConnectednessChanged events on the eventbus, initiates the challenge by opening a stream, and kills the connection if the challenge fails.

    • All other application-specific protocols would wait until this protocol has authenticated the peer.
    • You would need to implement a “session manager” component, that the authentication protocol reports to, and that other protocols gate on to know when they are authorised to service a peer.
    • You could send custom events on the eventbus to signal the state changes.
  2. If you don’t mind the handshake running and the peer ID of the responder being revealed to the other party, prior to your app-specific authentication, you could use a ConnectionGater and implement a hook for InterceptUpgraded.

    • The problem is that you get a network.Conn and not a mux.MuxedConn, so I’m not sure how the other peer would accept the stream.
    • Note that these are raw streams, not managed by the libp2p host. I haven’t seen anybody using libp2p in this manner, so not sure if it would work.
  3. The earliest point at which you can challenge the peer is by implementing a custom secure channel and injecting it into the Host: test-plans/main.go at master · libp2p/test-plans · GitHub

  4. You could use private networks if a PSK arrangement would work for you.

If none of these work for you, you could open an issue in go-libp2p and propose a feature.

Hope that guides you a little!

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