Connection closed


I’m doing tests with testground and I ran into a problem. I simulate 40 nodes, 1 is adding blocks to bitswap then publishing the cid on a topic , 9 neutral that only bootstrap and the rest listen on the topic and get the block via bitswap.

Here’s the log of one of the listener and the publisher.

Feb  8 17:32:40.926975	INFO	8.1563s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWPyRFaFSNdZFhbqTwv3BgFYUVBvcPzXqqWNaBXNqP3aSm"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.927411	INFO	8.1568s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWFKfDdZdg4Xpiy2SGvBfJCL2QEjKgAEMpcTEtZRyQ275Z"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.927532	INFO	8.1569s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWNpFGZh6nqpjdysZHzbzxhxAnwoZg1gQJB6DxFEsN5TgQ"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.927708	INFO	8.1571s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWCYoEm58DkfGkwDSXaCMsHQo47Ne52bvVV8R2UqRXyq2C"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.927790	INFO	8.1572s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWF4MKraKvHfy4Sro3iwfJdu4fkEe2BebpEfab5zKu9RTR"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.927870	INFO	8.1572s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWNvaAauFWFbhFMV1Nvqaz6MxZ42WhSZgQPdiQ9w2x8ni4"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.927942	INFO	8.1573s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWBSeG1GaFPQMb62H2wRxkgDuZDpU5FLuQkS9ftQxNbFGK"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.927999	INFO	8.1574s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWAiva4y26nGXFnVSq38nJS5kRJnqLkooroFqaGAeTPuLb"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928033	INFO	8.1574s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWK8aaQR5733FRJXCCxB7SFyeshyTAEi7GUF14KvpP4E5F"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928056	INFO	8.1574s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWE8hHk2jmzmnSiyibiB17MwTiTBXU9kkm1sGXUB3ZhxgG"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928077	INFO	8.1574s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWBaTRmLMrByu9fS7WymwmhnczBnkPw1WG5zmGNuBoxy4Y"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928097	INFO	8.1575s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWM96GYvNjzfWiWzgKkWpQZwsMmrwHe21uo9JTYXX1adpx"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928138	INFO	8.1575s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWH3qVF3xdvG6UrFmFnG5PYJhD3Y1gUwA8m1qSrAHnYSQY"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928158	INFO	8.1575s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWC9EKobHdGytE7szX93VDUUeiYfYwgDSy9HjHyNEJ2ziA"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928178	INFO	8.1575s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWAtpsrr77B9qWvbMMDUNsJeZ7EKzv6Dwd1ochE3dvECrx"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928212	INFO	8.1576s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWNp5bTrZB2k4QQgdyJCPyjo32ogaEhS5VDVfRTYJiXmi1"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928237	INFO	8.1576s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWQ7cjaMavqf3eMfRHVoYwhbJBNoeQqW8D8VpXTW7fHdqD"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.928271	INFO	8.1576s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWRDNRkVc6R9A2FKUTSaFGyKSNsXdi8AJkSfDXMkmyQVHt"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:40.934078	INFO	8.1634s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Subscribed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWPKaCXYAGJmcR33AoBQPAUaQJ1tQkJrWHQS1EJGLv173V"), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } }))
Feb  8 17:32:46.930525	INFO	14.1599s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Sending Block -> bafkreieafmkjdjp6g5m4g53eq2tjlyg5iotw5wahom7btp6on5djslxjxi
Feb  8 17:32:46.932363	INFO	14.1617s      OTHER << single[002] (a69b29) >> Behaviour(Gossipsub(Message { propagation_source: PeerId("12D3KooWF1VGH94oTkf4NDFWZKmMcSGgBcdkTdvjYqoVoxpcCNFe"), message_id: MessageId(313244334b6f6f57463156474839346f546b66344e4446575a4b6d4d635347674263646b5464766a59716f566f787063434e466533303937363739383739343033313839313831), message: GossipsubMessage { data: 01551220802b1491a5.., source: Some(PeerId("12D3KooWF1VGH94oTkf4NDFWZKmMcSGgBcdkTdvjYqoVoxpcCNFe")), sequence_number: Some(3097679879403189181), topic: TopicHash { hash: "live" } } }))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933095	INFO	14.1625s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWF4MKraKvHfy4Sro3iwfJdu4fkEe2BebpEfab5zKu9RTR"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933199	INFO	14.1626s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWE8hHk2jmzmnSiyibiB17MwTiTBXU9kkm1sGXUB3ZhxgG"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933297	INFO	14.1627s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWCYoEm58DkfGkwDSXaCMsHQo47Ne52bvVV8R2UqRXyq2C"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933440	INFO	14.1628s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWBSeG1GaFPQMb62H2wRxkgDuZDpU5FLuQkS9ftQxNbFGK"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933515	INFO	14.1629s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWRDNRkVc6R9A2FKUTSaFGyKSNsXdi8AJkSfDXMkmyQVHt"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933580	INFO	14.1629s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWAtpsrr77B9qWvbMMDUNsJeZ7EKzv6Dwd1ochE3dvECrx"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933618	INFO	14.1630s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWC9EKobHdGytE7szX93VDUUeiYfYwgDSy9HjHyNEJ2ziA"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933644	INFO	14.1630s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWH3qVF3xdvG6UrFmFnG5PYJhD3Y1gUwA8m1qSrAHnYSQY"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933753	INFO	14.1631s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWNvaAauFWFbhFMV1Nvqaz6MxZ42WhSZgQPdiQ9w2x8ni4"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933829	INFO	14.1632s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWPKaCXYAGJmcR33AoBQPAUaQJ1tQkJrWHQS1EJGLv173V"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.933957	INFO	14.1633s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWNp5bTrZB2k4QQgdyJCPyjo32ogaEhS5VDVfRTYJiXmi1"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934046	INFO	14.1634s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWQ7cjaMavqf3eMfRHVoYwhbJBNoeQqW8D8VpXTW7fHdqD"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934152	INFO	14.1635s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWM96GYvNjzfWiWzgKkWpQZwsMmrwHe21uo9JTYXX1adpx"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934269	INFO	14.1636s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWPyRFaFSNdZFhbqTwv3BgFYUVBvcPzXqqWNaBXNqP3aSm"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934390	INFO	14.1638s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWAiva4y26nGXFnVSq38nJS5kRJnqLkooroFqaGAeTPuLb"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934508	INFO	14.1639s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWFKfDdZdg4Xpiy2SGvBfJCL2QEjKgAEMpcTEtZRyQ275Z"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934601	INFO	14.1640s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWBaTRmLMrByu9fS7WymwmhnczBnkPw1WG5zmGNuBoxy4Y"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934721	INFO	14.1641s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWNpFGZh6nqpjdysZHzbzxhxAnwoZg1gQJB6DxFEsN5TgQ"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.934832	INFO	14.1642s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> Behaviour(Bitswap(ReceivedWant(PeerId("12D3KooWK8aaQR5733FRJXCCxB7SFyeshyTAEi7GUF14KvpP4E5F"), CidGeneric { version: V1, codec: Raw, hash: Multihash([18, 32, 128, 43, 20, 145, 165, 254, 55, 89, 195, 119, 100, 134, 166, 149, 224, 221, 67, 167, 110, 216, 7, 115, 62, 25, 191, 206, 111, 70, 153, 46, 233, 186]) }, 0)))
Feb  8 17:32:46.938256	INFO	14.1676s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWF4MKraKvHfy4Sro3iwfJdu4fkEe2BebpEfab5zKu9RTR"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "1a170e7e/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.938425	INFO	14.1678s      OTHER << single[002] (a69b29) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWF1VGH94oTkf4NDFWZKmMcSGgBcdkTdvjYqoVoxpcCNFe"), endpoint: Dialer { address: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(IO(Custom { kind: Other, error: Closed })) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.938478	INFO	14.1678s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWCYoEm58DkfGkwDSXaCMsHQo47Ne52bvVV8R2UqRXyq2C"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "2d0f9cbf/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.939559	INFO	14.1689s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWAiva4y26nGXFnVSq38nJS5kRJnqLkooroFqaGAeTPuLb"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "458fcabd/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.939622	INFO	14.1690s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWRDNRkVc6R9A2FKUTSaFGyKSNsXdi8AJkSfDXMkmyQVHt"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "7c65e322/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.939685	INFO	14.1691s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWBSeG1GaFPQMb62H2wRxkgDuZDpU5FLuQkS9ftQxNbFGK"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "fd9fed0c/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.939957	INFO	14.1693s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWM96GYvNjzfWiWzgKkWpQZwsMmrwHe21uo9JTYXX1adpx"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "91d494f0/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940020	INFO	14.1694s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWNpFGZh6nqpjdysZHzbzxhxAnwoZg1gQJB6DxFEsN5TgQ"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "2c493c70/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940102	INFO	14.1695s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWPyRFaFSNdZFhbqTwv3BgFYUVBvcPzXqqWNaBXNqP3aSm"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "79577e0a/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940148	INFO	14.1695s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWK8aaQR5733FRJXCCxB7SFyeshyTAEi7GUF14KvpP4E5F"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "0e5f1189/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940289	INFO	14.1697s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWNvaAauFWFbhFMV1Nvqaz6MxZ42WhSZgQPdiQ9w2x8ni4"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "24862730/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940408	INFO	14.1698s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWH3qVF3xdvG6UrFmFnG5PYJhD3Y1gUwA8m1qSrAHnYSQY"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "3e993483/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940461	INFO	14.1698s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWNp5bTrZB2k4QQgdyJCPyjo32ogaEhS5VDVfRTYJiXmi1"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "ce645c50/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940507	INFO	14.1699s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWC9EKobHdGytE7szX93VDUUeiYfYwgDSy9HjHyNEJ2ziA"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "dfa84e13/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940543	INFO	14.1699s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWPKaCXYAGJmcR33AoBQPAUaQJ1tQkJrWHQS1EJGLv173V"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "8c96bd92/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940574	INFO	14.1699s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWE8hHk2jmzmnSiyibiB17MwTiTBXU9kkm1sGXUB3ZhxgG"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "7e26dddf/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940754	INFO	14.1701s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWAtpsrr77B9qWvbMMDUNsJeZ7EKzv6Dwd1ochE3dvECrx"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "c8af3825/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940824	INFO	14.1702s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWQ7cjaMavqf3eMfRHVoYwhbJBNoeQqW8D8VpXTW7fHdqD"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "0ee39c59/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.940968	INFO	14.1703s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWFKfDdZdg4Xpiy2SGvBfJCL2QEjKgAEMpcTEtZRyQ275Z"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "f6fc80a3/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:46.941117	INFO	14.1705s      OTHER << single[005] (8c3694) >> ConnectionClosed { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWBaTRmLMrByu9fS7WymwmhnczBnkPw1WG5zmGNuBoxy4Y"), endpoint: Listener { local_addr: "/ip4/", send_back_addr: "/ip4/" }, num_established: 0, cause: Some(Handler(Handler(B(Upgrade(Apply(Custom { kind: WriteZero, error: "3be38e28/4: connection is closed" })))))) }
Feb  8 17:32:52.933600	INFO	20.1629s      ERROR << single[005] (8c3694) >> InsufficientPeers

As you can see the listener nodes all ask for the block via bitswap but then they all disconnect.
I removed traffic shaping to be sure but same result.

I’m stumped!