Call for Participation: DI2F: Decentralizing the Internet with IPFS and Filecoin

The first edition of a research-focused workshop on decentralisation, IPFS, and Filecoin is here! DI2F is taking place alongside IFIP Networking 2021 on 21 June 2021 and has a packed programme full of interesting paper presentations, demos, abstracts, hands-on tutorials and invited talks! The workshop sessions will focus on protocol and architecture extensions, decentralised identity, and Web 3.0 services.

After a rigorous review process, the papers that will appear in the workshop programme will cover:

  • topics that are central to the operation of IPFS, such as the DHT and pubsub
  • services built on top of the protocol stack, such as VPNs and federated learning systems
  • architecture extensions to enable computing and Solid on top of IPFS
  • decentralized identifiers as a first-class primitive for IPFS content and services

The program also features a keynote speech from Thibault Maunier, who will walk us through the challenges and opportunities of building CDN-scale decentralised technology, as seen by Cloudflare’s deployment of decentralised gateways and name resolvers.

The workshop’s hands-on session will get the audience kickstarted with the IPFS essentials and a hackathon will kick off at the end of the day and run for the following three weeks, netting the finalists prizes of more than $1,000.

The workshop will run from 13:00-18:30pm UTC+3 on 21 June . You can find the programme here and register for the conference and workshop in the same site. Non-author students attend for free but still need to register.