We only ever use this to store our own private key, and fetch it from other parts of the stack, rather than passing it around standalone. Some examples:
type Option func(*PubSub) error
// NewPubSub returns a new PubSub management object.
func NewPubSub(ctx context.Context, h host.Host, rt PubSubRouter, opts ...Option) (*PubSub, error) {
ps := &PubSub{
host: h,
ctx: ctx,
rt: rt,
signID: h.ID(),
signKey: h.Peerstore().PrivKey(h.ID()),
incoming: make(chan *RPC, 32),
publish: make(chan *Message),
newPeers: make(chan peer.ID),
newPeerStream: make(chan inet.Stream),
newPeerError: make(chan peer.ID),
peerDead: make(chan peer.ID),
cancelCh: make(chan *Subscription),
getPeers: make(chan *listPeerReq),
addSub: make(chan *addSubReq),
getTopics: make(chan *topicReq),
Identify protocol:
log.Debugf("%s sent listen addrs to %s: %s", c.LocalPeer(), c.RemotePeer(), laddrs)
// set our public key
ownKey := ids.Host.Peerstore().PubKey(ids.Host.ID())
// check if we even have a public key.
if ownKey == nil {
// public key is nil. We are either using insecure transport or something erratic happened.
// check if we're even operating in "secure mode"
if ids.Host.Peerstore().PrivKey(ids.Host.ID()) != nil {
// private key is present. But NO public key. Something bad happened.
log.Errorf("did not have own public key in Peerstore")
// if neither of the key is present it is safe to assume that we are using an insecure transport.
} else {
// public key is present. Safe to proceed.
if kb, err := ownKey.Bytes(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to convert key to bytes")
} else {
mes.PublicKey = kb
Swarm dialer:
// dial is the actual swarm's dial logic, gated by Dial.
func (s *Swarm) dial(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) (*Conn, error) {
var logdial = lgbl.Dial("swarm", s.LocalPeer(), p, nil, nil)
if p == s.local {
log.Event(ctx, "swarmDialDoDialSelf", logdial)
return nil, ErrDialToSelf
defer log.EventBegin(ctx, "swarmDialDo", logdial).Done()
logdial["dial"] = "failure" // start off with failure. set to "success" at the end.
sk := s.peers.PrivKey(s.local)
logdial["encrypted"] = sk != nil // log whether this will be an encrypted dial or not.
if sk == nil {
// fine for sk to be nil, just log.
log.Debug("Dial not given PrivateKey, so WILL NOT SECURE conn.")
This slice-to-chan code is temporary, the peerstore can currently provide
a channel as an interface for receiving addresses, but more thought