Rust-libp2p Open Maintainers Call

It’s time for another rust-libp2p Open Maintainers Call. The meeting details and registration page is here: rust-libp2p Open Maintainers Call, the meeting agenda and notes are here: rust-libp2p Meeting Agenda/Notes

Q: What is this meeting?
A: It is a meeting of developers working with and/or on rust-libp2p.

Q: Who can attend?
A: Everybody is welcome to attend. If you’re at all curious about rust-libp2p, you should plan to come.

Q: Do I have to register?
A: No. You may join the google meet directly however we appreciate when people do register since we enjoy staying in contact with those that attend.

Looks like this event is no longer on “libp2p Public Events” calendar, is that expected?

Hi @nazar-pc,

You did manage to get dialed in at the very end. It was good to see you again. The libp2p community calendar has officially moved to libp2p Events Calendar · Luma

To subscribe to the iCal feed, you just click on the feed icon and choose your calendar:


Cheers! :beers:

I was 2 hours!! late and still able to catch a few of you, can’t believe you were still around :slightly_smiling_face:

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