Problem with DHT provide using bootstrap nodes

in this code, with all the latest versions I’m trying to provide a simple object using DHT but with everything I tried it always throws Query Aborted.

the Goal I’m trying to achieve is providing a JSON or text with some information. and then from another peer searching for the same data and finding out who provided it and trying to dial to that node.

import { createLibp2p } from 'libp2p';
import { WebRTCStar } from '@libp2p/webrtc-star';
import { TCP } from '@libp2p/tcp';
import logger from 'loglevel';
import { fromString } from 'uint8arrays';

import { WebSockets } from '@libp2p/websockets';
import { Mplex } from '@libp2p/mplex';
import { Noise } from '@chainsafe/libp2p-noise';
import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid';
import multihashes from 'multihashes';
import * as Digest from 'multiformats/hashes/digest';
import { multiaddr } from 'multiaddr';

import { KadDHT } from '@libp2p/kad-dht';
import { Bootstrap } from '@libp2p/bootstrap';
import { DelegatedPeerRouting } from '@libp2p/delegated-peer-routing';
import { DelegatedContentRouting } from '@libp2p/delegated-content-routing';
import { create as ipfsHttpClient } from 'ipfs-http-client';

export async function createNode() {
  const node = await createLibp2p({
    addresses: {
      listen: ['/ip4/'],

    transports: [new WebSockets(), new TCP()],
    streamMuxers: [new Mplex()],
    connectionEncryption: [new Noise()],
    dht: new KadDHT(),
    connectionManager: {
      autoDial: true,

    peerDiscovery: [
      new Bootstrap({
        list: [
  console.log('this node peerID', node.peerId.toString());
  node.connectionManager.addEventListener('peer:connect', ({ detail }) => {
    console.log('peer:connect', 'Connection established to:', detail.remotePeer.toString()); 

  node.peerStore.addEventListener('change:multiaddrs', ({ detail: { peerId, multiaddrs } }) => {
    if (peerId.equals(node.peerId)) {
      console.log('address changes', multiaddrs.toString(), peerId.toString());
  return node;

(async () => {
  const node = await createNode();
  await node.start();
  await setTimeout(async () => {
    const LIBP2P_KEY_CODE = 0x0200;
    const buff = JSON.stringify({
      title: 'asdasdas',
    const datas = multihashes.encode(Buffer.from(buff), 'sha2-256');
    const cid = CID.createV1(LIBP2P_KEY_CODE, Digest.create(LIBP2P_KEY_CODE, datas));
    try {
      for await (const data of node.dht.provide(cid)) {
    } catch (e) {
  }, 10000);