Missing protocols in peer data

Hi all,

I’m running js-libp2p in browser and using the WebRTC transport with the test WebRTC servers @ wrtc-star1.par.dwebops.pub.
I’ve implemented a test protocol based on the chat example, but I keep coming up against a strange problem, where peer data is returning an empty list of protocols, so my message sending is aborted.

Here is how I get the peer data:

  • I have a bootstrap server that I’m using to return the peerId b58 string and listen addresses (currently the WebRTC servers) for the peer.

  • I combine these into a multiaddr and dial the peer, which (I believe) adds the peer to my addressbook/peerstore.

  • Now I want to start communicating using my custom chat protocol. So I get the peer data like this:
    let peerData = await node.peerStore.get(peerId);

But I regularly retrieve peer data that contains the addresses and id object of the peer but an empty list of protocols.

Has anyone got any insight into this?

Thanks in advance!