I am new to libp2p protocols, i am trying to implement distributed network using 0x-mesh without a bootstrap server or rendezvous server. I am initiating two peer nodes(behind NAT but both are in same LAN) which are calling the same rendezvous point but the peers don’t find each other. We have tried the below mentioned configuration for our p2plib:
connManager := connmgr.NewConnManager(peerCountLow, peerCountHigh, peerGraceDuration) opts = append(opts, []libp2p.Option{ libp2p.Routing(newDHT), libp2p.ConnectionManager(connManager), libp2p.Identity(config.PrivateKey), libp2p.EnableAutoRelay(), libp2p.EnableRelay(), libp2p.BandwidthReporter(bandwidthCounter), libp2p.Filters(filters), //nolint:staticcheck libp2p.Security(secio.ID, secio.New), }...) if config.Insecure { opts = append(opts, libp2p.NoSecurity) }
// Initialize the host.
basicHost, err := libp2p.New(ctx, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err