Help with Prometheus_client

@mxinden I came across your post on this issue about Fixing LibP2P’s usage of prometheus-client (version 0.17.0) which uses OwningRef (which is an unsound package)

I need some help with the Rust client! I am unable to understand what the MutexBucketGuard is trying to do in the file I am unable to use parking-lot in the src/metrics/ ! OwningRef library is unsound and it is not good to be used! So how do I mitigate the issue ?


you forgot to put the link on issue it’s an empty <a> tag FYI (might be a discourse bug too idk).

It is a discourse bug, Lemme get the issue!

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@Sentinel0001 also see *: Move to `parking_lot` and thus make `owning_ref` obsolete by mxinden · Pull Request #78 · prometheus/client_rust · GitHub.

Thanks Max! I am looking into that right now! Is there a separate conversation for this elsewhere(in discuss forum)