Gossip simulation

Hey guys,

I did some simulations with Libp2p gossip pubsub in the context of Ethereum 2.0 block dissemination: https://hackmd.io/ZMBsjqdqSAK026iFFu_2JQ

Would be glad to hear any feedback. Especially from @vyzo and @raul :slight_smile:

This is great, thank you.

I would like to add here that we are planning to act upon gossip pretty soon so as to repair the mesh when receiving messages only through gossip. This should bring delivery times down again in an adverse environment.

– vyzo

Another thing I am considering is increasing the default D_lazy to 12, so that the protocol has higher resistance to this type of sybil attacks.

– vyzo

to repair the mesh when receiving messages only through gossip

@vyzo do you have any PR on this? I could create the appropriate scenario on this and check the effect

increasing the default D_lazy to 12, so that the protocol has higher resistance to this type of sybil attacks.

Yep that sounds good :+1:

No open PR yet, but it’s part of https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub/issues/233

– vyzo